Product Description: CCAccounting is the ideal tool for small/ medium business interested in overall monitoring and reducing call costs.
ENTERPRISE EDITION AVAILABLE: CCAccounting comes now as Multi-site Enterprise Edition allowing connections with up to 8 networked Panasonic IP-PBXs simultaneously via CTI Link. Refer to Call Center Suite Enterprise Editions Application Notes to learn more about the distributed CTI configuration.
Product Description: Manage single or multi-site operations. Utilize e-mail, TCP/IP networks and Ultimate! Computer Technology Tools to present reports whenever or wherever needed. Ultimate! integrates with 150 brands of phone systems supporting more that 200 dealers representing more than 400 locations nationwide.
Product Description: PanaLog is a call management / cost accounting software program that connects to Panasonic Telephone Systems through your computer. PanaLog Call Management Software only works with USA Panasonic Telephone Systems.
A company may analyze their call activity and produce reports within seconds. PanaLog Software can produce 17 Different Reports and 30 Different Graphs providing any business owner detailed call activity.
Product Description: TASKE Contact offers real-time ACD monitoring and historical call reporting for the contact center. Among other enhancements, this version offers a web portal for access to real-time data and TASKE’s advanced cradle-to-grave search tool, Visualizer. TASKE Contact is a robust call management software application that is easy to use and its advanced forecasting applications help contact centers continually improve their call service levels.
Product Description: TASKE Reporter is a browser-based reporting solution that provides advanced reporting capabilities to businesses with small, or Info…rmal contact centers. Managers in this type of environment may only need historical reporting. With the reports offered by TASKE Reporter, managers can easily track service levels, agent performance, trends in call volume, or the origin of calls by city or state.